Weekend in Paris II Wall Tapestry C-2336, 1925, 2336-Wh, 2336C, 2336Wh, 30-39Incheswide, 30W, 50-59Inchestall, 53H, Art, Brown, Carolina, USAwoven, Cotton, Eiffel, Erope, Europe, European, Eurupe, Exposition, Fashion, France, Green, Group, Hanging, Ii, In, International, Paris, Poster, Tapestries, Tapestry, Tower, Travel, Urope, Vertical, Vintage, Wall, Weekend, Wine, Woven, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

Weekend in Paris II Wall Tapestry (C-2336)

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Enjoy Paris with this lovely wall hanging tapestry. This wall tapestry is woven in North Carolina, USA and hand finished by skilled artisans.
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