Van Gogh The Red Vineyard Wall Tapestry C-6137, 30-39Inchestall, 38H, 50-59Incheswide, 53W, 6137-Wh, 6137C, 6137Wh, Abstract, Art, Artist, Bold, Carolina, USAwoven, Contemporary, Cotton, Erope, Europe, European, Eurupe, Famous, Gogh, Gold, Hanging, Horizontal, Masterpiece, Masterpieces, Modern, Old, Orange, Painting, Paintings, Red, Sun, Tapastry, Tapestries, Tapestry, Tapistry, The, Urope, Van, Vincent, Vineyard, Wall, Woven, Yellow, Bestseller, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

Van Gogh The Red Vineyard Wall Tapestry (C-6137)

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This modern tapestry rendition is based on The Red Vineyards near Arles, an original work of art by famous artist Vincent Van Gogh. Here Van Gogh captured the brilliance of the setting autumnal sun on a French Vineyard and the glistening light...
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